During the coming months, Einstein@Home will be hiring several students, postdocs and staff members in Milwaukee, USA and Hannover, Germany to help with the project
March 29, 2007
During the coming months, Einstein@Home will be hiring several students, postdocs and staff members in Milwaukee, USA and Hannover, Germany to help with the project. Further information is available in the "Work for Einstein@Home" area.
A final report on the Einstein@Home S3 analysis is now available in the "Science information and progress reports" area
March 28, 2007
A final report on the Einstein@Home S3 analysis is now available in the "Science information and progress reports" area. Please post any questions and comments on the "Science" message board.
The project performance problems and database load problems have been resolved
February 25, 2007
The project performance problems and database load problems have been resolved. Details can be found in this message board post. Thank you for your patience while we sorted this out.