> Actually it's the __0060.0 (TWO underscores) that's the clue. I wouldn't be
> surprised if the __0059.9 (TWO underscores) workunits also show this
> behavior.
Is there a transmission at 74Hz as well? ;)
For the record, my H1_0073.9__0074.4_0.1_T08_Test02_0 (work unit 315223) is already 1.5 hours overdue and still crunching with progress showing 100%(CC 4.19 E@H 4.72). It's the first hangup I've had in a LONG time! When it finishes, I'll make a backup in case you want to examine further.
> Here again (: "H1_0059.9__0060.0_0.1_T22_Test02"
Blizzrd has been so kind to provide Einstein participants ftp server for upload. You can upload your WU date there is needed so Einstein team can have a look at them.
See there for details http://einsteinathome.org/node/187364
I noticed them at about 2 hours into the run time & they were both showing over 60 hours to run yet. I did what I did the other day and shut off BOINC & restarted it & the time started to drop rapidly but they will still probably take 2-3 hours longer to run that normally ...
The only two (so far) WU's
The only two (so far) WU's that got error codes were:
They both returned with a Incorrect function. (0x1) - exit code 1 (0x1)
both completed using v4.16, have since then upgraded to v4.19
> Actually it's the __0060.0
> Actually it's the __0060.0 (TWO underscores) that's the clue. I wouldn't be
> surprised if the __0059.9 (TWO underscores) workunits also show this
> behavior.
Is there a transmission at 74Hz as well? ;)
For the record, my H1_0073.9__0074.4_0.1_T08_Test02_0 (work unit 315223) is already 1.5 hours overdue and still crunching with progress showing 100%(CC 4.19 E@H 4.72). It's the first hangup I've had in a LONG time! When it finishes, I'll make a backup in case you want to examine further.
Here again (:
Here again (: "H1_0059.9__0060.0_0.1_T22_Test02"
> Here again (:
> Here again (: "H1_0059.9__0060.0_0.1_T22_Test02"
Blizzrd has been so kind to provide Einstein participants ftp server for upload. You can upload your WU date there is needed so Einstein team can have a look at them.
See there for details
> Is there a transmission at
> Is there a transmission at 74Hz as well? ;)
Well, IMHO everything below 100Hz may cause problems with the current data sets.
We are working on new apps and different data pre-processing to solve this problem.
> Well, IMHO everything below
> Well, IMHO everything below 100Hz may cause problems with the current data
> sets.
Thanks for letting me know there could be a lot more! This particular one took 20 hours to complete instead of my normal 11.5 hours.
I've got a couple more of
I've got a couple more of them on Host 5408 in my Account ...
I noticed them at about 2 hours into the run time & they were both showing over 60 hours to run yet. I did what I did the other day and shut off BOINC & restarted it & the time started to drop rapidly but they will still probably take 2-3 hours longer to run that normally ...
still one
still one "H1_0059.9__0060.0_0.1_T09_Test02"
@Bruce, all files from me on Blizzard`s ftp ;)
There is also one there:
There is also one there: H1_0073.4__0073.8_0.1_T15_Test02_2
Uploaded to Blizzard's ftp...
I also have the same problem
I also have the same problem of unfinished WUs.
pt14_I12_f59.998_b0.104_I1 with deadline 01-24
H1_0089.4__0089.8_0.1_T01_Test02_4 with deadline 01-26
I have Boinc 4.19 from 2/3 days