OK as the weather is cold i've been looking at how to warm things up and so investigated a bit of cpu over-clocking.
I'll confess i know nothing about this other than start from a stable working system, running a i5-4690K i have dabbled.
stdoutdae.txt:14-Jan-2016 12:22:29 [---] 5162 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU stdoutdae.txt:14-Jan-2016 12:22:29 [---] 27252 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
stdoutdae.txt:24-Jan-2016 18:42:19 [---] 5953 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU stdoutdae.txt:24-Jan-2016 18:42:19 [---] 31472 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
I will report back later with details (the o/c is in percentage what i expected), but something odd caught my eye - the Dhrystone numbers are large.
These figures (for i5) seem extremely high. In fact i could not find anything higher.
So i searched for some similar Linux hosts - this
are similar.
whereas these Windows based
host W1 and host W2 and host W3
Dhrystone are much smaller. Whetstone roughly the same.
Measured floating point speed 5423.29 million ops/sec
Measured integer speed 17629.12 million ops/sec
Any suggestions why these i5s all are higher than i7? (Hyper-threading?)
Why the Linux Dhrystone difference?
Or are these just random numbers...
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