for context: the previous post was moved from another thread, it referred to this message
Cheers HB
White Doves by Young Empires
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
Gold by Wake Owl
Compressorhead Ace of Spades
This is a Robotic Band i think thats very cool to watch.
It's Cool to Love Your Family by Feist
Edit: Just bought Monarch in vinyl. My first Feist Album:)
Sunshine Superman by Emilie-Claire Barlow
Led Zeppelin 1969 live
Robert Plant 20yrs old and Jimmy Page 25yrs old John Bonham 21yrs old and John Paul Jones 23yrs old
That Girl is Mine by Pieter Embrechts
Forgotten Silence - The Hills of Senyaan Pt.2
15 years old song, but it still fascinates me. Just press icon "play" to start it.
Die Liga der gewöhnlichen Gentlemen - Der fünfte Four Top
The Chorus is: Und wär die Welt perfekt und wär sie ein Song Dann von Holland/Dozier/Holland oder Barrett Strong (Barrett Strong)
Translation: And if the world would be perfect and it would be a song it would be by Holland/Dozier/Holland or Barrett Strong (Barrett Strong)
Complete lyrics here.
for context: the previous
for context: the previous post was moved from another thread, it referred to this message
White Doves by Young
White Doves by Young Empires
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
Gold by Wake Owl
Gold by Wake Owl
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
Compressorhead Ace of Spades
Compressorhead Ace of Spades
This is a Robotic Band i think thats very cool to watch.
It's Cool to Love Your Family
It's Cool to Love Your Family by Feist
Edit: Just bought Monarch in vinyl. My first Feist Album:)
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
Sunshine Superman by
Sunshine Superman by Emilie-Claire Barlow
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
Led Zeppelin 1969
Led Zeppelin 1969 live
Robert Plant 20yrs old and Jimmy Page 25yrs old John Bonham 21yrs old and John Paul Jones 23yrs old
That Girl is Mine by Pieter
That Girl is Mine by Pieter Embrechts
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
Forgotten Silence - The Hills
Forgotten Silence - The Hills of Senyaan Pt.2
15 years old song, but it still fascinates me. Just press icon "play" to start it.
Die Liga der gewöhnlichen
Die Liga der gewöhnlichen Gentlemen - Der fünfte Four Top
The Chorus is:
Und wär die Welt perfekt und wär sie ein Song
Dann von Holland/Dozier/Holland oder Barrett Strong
(Barrett Strong)
And if the world would be perfect and it would be a song
it would be by Holland/Dozier/Holland or Barrett Strong
(Barrett Strong)
Complete lyrics here.