Willie Nelson - All Of Me
Les mycosis
Helplessly Hoping - Crosby Stills and Nash
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
Verklarte Nacht -Schoenberg
______________ At least a little part of it
Prong - Unconditional
Def Leppard - When Love And Hate Collide
Forty Days and Nights - Rankin Family
_______________ Local Group.... Def Leppard are hard act to follow :-)
Rodney Atkins - Cleaning this Gun (Come on in Boy)
"Now son, now y'all buckle up and have her back by ten. Uhh, let's say about nine... thirty. Drive safe."
Few songs by Anne Dudley from album Ancient & Modern. She has a neat way of applying new age techniques to familiar old hymns that I really like. Especially tracks 1, 4, & 5.
America for Two - Piano Duo Genova & Dimitrov
Works by Gershwin, Copland & Berstein
______________________________ Anne Dudley look interesting I added her to my wish list:-)
Willie Nelson - All Of Me
Willie Nelson - All Of Me
Les mycosis
Les mycosis
Helplessly Hoping - Crosby
Helplessly Hoping - Crosby Stills and Nash
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
Verklarte Nacht
Verklarte Nacht -Schoenberg
At least a little part of it
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
Prong - Unconditional
Prong - Unconditional
Def Leppard - When Love And
Def Leppard - When Love And Hate Collide
Forty Days and Nights -
Forty Days and Nights - Rankin Family
Local Group.... Def Leppard are hard act to follow :-)
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
Rodney Atkins - Cleaning this
Rodney Atkins - Cleaning this Gun (Come on in Boy)
"Now son, now y'all buckle up and have her back by ten. Uhh, let's say about nine... thirty. Drive safe."
Few songs by Anne Dudley from
Few songs by Anne Dudley from album Ancient & Modern. She has a neat way of applying new age techniques to familiar old hymns that I really like. Especially tracks 1, 4, & 5.
America for Two - Piano Duo
America for Two - Piano Duo Genova & Dimitrov
Works by Gershwin, Copland & Berstein
Anne Dudley look interesting I added her to my wish list:-)
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold