v1.39 BRP5-opencl-ati: Error while computing

Joined: 16 Aug 13
Posts: 1
Credit: 171246
RAC: 0
Topic 197161

Received 5 WU's. All stopped with application caught signal 8. Any ideas?

example WU 172854632

Task 397731540

Name PA0019_00371_60_0
Workunit 172854632
Erstellt 24 Aug 2013 4:40:34 UTC
Sent 24 Aug 2013 11:15:51 UTC
Received 24 Aug 2013 12:26:28 UTC
Server state Over
Outcome Client error
Client state Compute error
Exit status 8 (0x8)
Computer ID 8457921
Report deadline 7 Sep 2013 11:15:51 UTC
Run time 9.94
CPU time 3.54
Validate state Invalid
Claimed credit 0.06
Granted credit 0.00
application version Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Perseus Arm Survey) v1.39 (BRP5-opencl-ati)
Stderr output


process exited with code 8 (0x8, -248)

[14:24:44][5489][INFO ] Application startup - thank you for supporting Einstein@Home!
[14:24:44][5489][INFO ] Starting data processing...
[14:24:44][5489][INFO ] Using OpenCL platform provided by: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[14:24:44][5489][INFO ] Using OpenCL device "Tahiti" by: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[14:24:44][5489][INFO ] Checkpoint file unavailable: status.cpt (No such file or directory).
------> Starting from scratch...
[14:24:44][5489][INFO ] Header contents:
------> Original WAPP file: ./PA0019_00371_DM120.00
------> Sample time in microseconds: 1000
------> Observation time in seconds: 2097.152
------> Time stamp (MJD): 53352.588989505908
------> Number of samples/record: 0
------> Center freq in MHz: 1231.5
------> Channel band in MHz: 3
------> Number of channels/record: 96
------> Nifs: 1
------> RA (J2000): 65836.9838982
------> DEC (J2000): 21741.6599998
------> Galactic l: 0
------> Galactic b: 0
------> Name: G4364513
------> Lagformat: 0
------> Sum: 1
------> Level: 3
------> AZ at start: 0
------> ZA at start: 0
------> AST at start: 0
------> LST at start: 0
------> Project ID: --
------> Observers: --
------> File size (bytes): 0
------> Data size (bytes): 0
------> Number of samples: 2097152
------> Trial dispersion measure: 120 cm^-3 pc
------> Scale factor: 1.81818
[14:24:45][5489][INFO ] Seed for random number generator is 1087583027.
[14:24:47][5489][INFO ] Derived global search parameters:
------> f_A probability = 0.04
------> single bin prob(P_noise > P_thr) = 1.2977e-08
------> thr1 = 18.1601
------> thr2 = 21.263
------> thr4 = 26.2923
------> thr8 = 34.674
------> thr16 = 48.9881

[14:24:47][5489][ERROR] Application caught signal 8.

------> Obtained 19 stack frames for this thread.
------> Backtrace:
Frame 19:
Binary file: ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/einsteinbinary_BRP5_1.39_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu__BRP5-opencl-ati (0x480ae6)
Source file: erp_boinc_wrapper.cpp (Function: sighandler / Line: 167)
Frame 18:
Binary file: /opt/AMDAPP/lib/x86_64/libamdocl64.so (0x7f594122eb80)
Offset info: +0x1a7b80
Frame 17:
Binary file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x7f59435d5cb0)
Offset info: +0xfcb0
Frame 16:
Binary file: /usr/lib/fglrx/libaticaldd.so (0x7f5940473639)
Offset info: +0x391639
Frame 15:
Binary file: /usr/lib/fglrx/libaticaldd.so (0x7f5940281529)
Offset info: +0x19f529
Frame 14:
Binary file: /usr/lib/fglrx/libaticaldd.so (0x7f59402815be)
Offset info: +0x19f5be
Frame 13:
Binary file: /usr/lib/fglrx/libaticaldd.so (0x7f594050208d)
Offset info: +0x42008d
Frame 12:
Binary file: /usr/lib/fglrx/libaticaldd.so (0x7f59404fa62f)
Offset info: +0x41862f
Frame 11:
Binary file: /usr/lib/fglrx/libaticaldd.so (0x7f594051d151)
Offset info: +0x43b151
Frame 10:
Binary file: /usr/lib/fglrx/libaticaldd.so (0x7f59405179be)
Offset info: +0x4359be
Frame 9:
Binary file: /opt/AMDAPP/lib/x86_64/libamdocl64.so (0x7f594125c29e)
Offset info: +0x1d529e
Frame 8:
Binary file: /opt/AMDAPP/lib/x86_64/libamdocl64.so (0x7f59412828a8)
Offset info: +0x1fb8a8
Frame 7:
Binary file: /opt/AMDAPP/lib/x86_64/libamdocl64.so (0x7f5941282b5d)
Offset info: +0x1fbb5d
Frame 6:
Binary file: /opt/AMDAPP/lib/x86_64/libamdocl64.so (0x7f594121acc8)
Offset info: +0x193cc8
Frame 5:
Binary file: /opt/AMDAPP/lib/x86_64/libamdocl64.so (0x7f594121b96e)
Offset info: +0x19496e
Frame 4:
Binary file: /opt/AMDAPP/lib/x86_64/libamdocl64.so (0x7f59412277be)
Offset info: +0x1a07be
Frame 3:
Binary file: /opt/AMDAPP/lib/x86_64/libamdocl64.so (0x7f594122e80d)
Offset info: +0x1a780d
Frame 2:
Binary file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x7f59435cde9a)
Offset info: +0x7e9a
Frame 1:
Binary file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x7f5942cfeccd)
Offset info: clone+0x6d
------> End of backtrace

14:24:52 (5489): called boinc_finish
