
Joined: 6 Apr 13
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Topic 197311

History2 has a new program this season called "The Big History." The episode that was on this morning has been on before; it dealt with salt, Big Bang, electromagnetism, and waves that they learned how to separate into different frequencies to end the chaos caused by too many people riding one wave. The cellphone uses waves billions of years old, and parts from every country in the world. One of the key parts is made of tantalum - it's that shiny thin piece in your cellphone. It is found on earth in a small quantity and is very valuable.

The only stupid reason for my post is to say that I think that the UFO that crashed in Roswell was made of tantalum because it resembled (the first pictures) the stuff used in current day cellphones. Aluminum could be used, but it's not as strong or long-lasting.

I'm done. "The Big History" is worth watching. This was the best the 3 episodes I've seen, So far, it has never mentioned UFOs or ET's on any program, just science..the connection was my idea only.