As Gary said, the difference is in intermediate results during the rather complex computations, the final results that the validator will receive are all cast to much lower precision on all platforms. The validator will then compare the results and will allow them to vary by a certain relative value.
Well, your link is rather undefined. Bur the problem of comparing apples with oranges must be a common one in voluntary distributed computing as compared to grid computing (see the Boinc Home page).
I think, the validationproblem is nearly solved. If you look at the serverstatuspage, you can read:
invalid 1,009
This number was a week ago by about 2500 or more. I think the new validator works fine. Great thanks to the stuff und keep up the good work. And lets see what happens with the new app.
RE: As Gary said, the
Well, your link is rather undefined. Bur the problem of comparing apples with oranges must be a common one in voluntary distributed computing as compared to grid computing (see the Boinc Home page).
RE: I think Gary referred
Blimey, you've given him the whole forum index!! :).
I believe that this was
I believe that this was probably the message I was thinking of :).
RE: RE: I think Gary
Ups, another piece of evidence for my long-held conviction that cut-and-paste should be disabled by the OS on Mondays ! Thanks for the correction.
I think, the
I think, the validationproblem is nearly solved. If you look at the serverstatuspage, you can read:
invalid 1,009
This number was a week ago by about 2500 or more. I think the new validator works fine. Great thanks to the stuff und keep up the good work. And lets see what happens with the new app.