S40.12 is workin great. Got about 10% speedup over D40.
This system is running 15% overclock with no errors and none invalid.
xp2500+ @ 2.1GHz, 10.5 x 200 clock
After running S40.12 for a couple of days now on my XP2600+ system, it seems to have become very unstable (crashes and/or reboots itself). I am going back to D40 on it.
I do a lot of video processing on this system, so there may be some kind of conflict with that.
My XP1600+ system seems to run very stable with S40.12, so I will leave it alone.
Richard Haselgrove and DanNeely, it's good to see you have found out about Team BOINC Synergy and registered at our site, but you also have to go through the following steps:
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S40.12 is workin great. Got
S40.12 is workin great. Got about 10% speedup over D40.
This system is running 15% overclock with no errors and none invalid.
xp2500+ @ 2.1GHz, 10.5 x 200 clock
98SE XP2500+ @ 2.1 GHz Boinc v5.8.8
Athlon 64 3000+ Short
Athlon 64 3000+
Short WUs:
D40: 1300 seconds
S40.12: 1130 seconds
Long WUs:
D40: 4400 seconds
S40.12: 4000 seconds
AMD 64 3000+ @2250MHz
AMD 64 3000+ @2250MHz (9x250), DDR @450MHz 2-3-3-5-1T
~ 12% Speed gain
Want to know your pending credit?
The biggest bug is sitting 10 inch in front of the screen.
After running S40.12 for a
After running S40.12 for a couple of days now on my XP2600+ system, it seems to have become very unstable (crashes and/or reboots itself). I am going back to D40 on it.
I do a lot of video processing on this system, so there may be some kind of conflict with that.
My XP1600+ system seems to run very stable with S40.12, so I will leave it alone.
Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.
Result duration correction
Result duration correction factor 0.133796 :o
Just flyin' along with the afterburners on full burn :)
98SE XP2500+ @ 2.1 GHz Boinc v5.8.8
RE: Result duration
Was that supposed to be .23...? .13 would imply an 8x speedup.
Switched over from the
Switched over from the standard science app to S40.12 a couple of days ago. WOW! My daily output has almost tripled. Akosf for King!
RE: RE: Result duration
That was copied and pasted from my computer summary page after doing a bunch of short units. Usually it is around .21 when doing long units.
98SE XP2500+ @ 2.1 GHz Boinc v5.8.8
That's interesting, the short
That's interesting, the short WUs see less of a gain on my machine than the long ones.
Richard Haselgrove and
Richard Haselgrove and DanNeely, it's good to see you have found out about Team BOINC Synergy and registered at our site, but you also have to go through the following steps:
Your account>find team>select BOINC Synergy>join team We're pleased to have you with us!
Click my stat image to go to the BOINC Synergy Team site!