Looking over this latest data I'm not seeing the WZC service running so it doesn't appear it's the culprit.
However, this has all the looks of a machine that is used a lot to do "real" work. ;-)
I'm seeing here what looks to be full boat installs of Office, Norton ISS, Acrobat, etc. which I'm assuming you need for your day to day chores.
One thing you could do is evaluate whether you need all the features for your productivity apps set to run all the time or by default, and trim that back some if you can.
In any event, here's a link to a pretty good site covering what Services have to be running for Windows to function:
Generally speaking, I have never had a problem disabling extra services temporarily for troubleshooting. Just make sure you keep notes as to what you change in the configuration as you go so you can put things back they way they were as you eliminate candidates.
Sorry for having posted an empty reply first. I'm new to this board.
Absolutely no tuning or overclocking. It's simply my working horse and I'm working with Office, Photohop, Corel, Winfax, Nero etc. all day long. I never switch the gear off. Reset about twice a week. Einstein doesn't seem to influence anything.
Boris Gergel.
I notice that our man Boris is resetting a couple of times a week. Hmmmm. About how often should a cruncher who runs boinc 24/7 like myself reset? I have an E6400 @2.13 gig on my C2D, and my numbers are pretty good, being over 99% for that box and for all three of my boinc hosts (one doesn't run E@H). I wonder because there are times when my P4 3.2 gig box sometimes will go days or even weeks before I reset (dedicated cruncher), and same for my laptop (1.6 gig Pent. M), depending on when I take it on the road for college homework. Any good guidelines on resets for boinc hosts?
Theoretically you shouldn't have to reset unless something goes badly wrong. I can count the number if times I've reset my hosts in almost 2 years on one hand.
Usually you can fix most problems without having to resort to a reset or detach/attach cycle.
The only service i noted can be a bit of a CPU hog was Java. That said its generally not too bad these days.
As for reboots i almost never unless a) im taking my laptop to work or b) Im upgrading kernels, or have a boinc disaster. Less reboots is always more uptime
Sorry for having posted an empty reply first. I'm new to this board.
Absolutely no tuning or overclocking. It's simply my working horse and I'm working with Office, Photohop, Corel, Winfax, Nero etc. all day long. I never switch the gear off. Reset about twice a week. Einstein doesn't seem to influence anything.
Boris Gergel.
I notice that our man Boris is resetting a couple of times a week. Hmmmm. About how often should a cruncher who runs boinc 24/7 like myself reset? I have an E6400 @2.13 gig on my C2D, and my numbers are pretty good, being over 99% for that box and for all three of my boinc hosts (one doesn't run E@H). I wonder because there are times when my P4 3.2 gig box sometimes will go days or even weeks before I reset (dedicated cruncher), and same for my laptop (1.6 gig Pent. M), depending on when I take it on the road for college homework. Any good guidelines on resets for boinc hosts?
I think "Boris" is talking about resetting (that is restarting) his computer not resetting the projekt...
@Udo: Got it. I was using reset in place of restart, much like clownius afer me did. The two terms seem to be interchanged quite a lot on the net.
@Jeff: I think you just have to wait for your stats a few days until things get synced between the project and the boincstats site or something like that. You could post a message on th bioncstats boards, or check their forum. I am pretty sure the answer is there as I have heard this answer before but don't remember exactly.
I notice that our man Boris is resetting a couple of times a week. Hmmmm. About how often should a cruncher who runs boinc 24/7 like myself reset? I have an E6400 @2.13 gig on my C2D, and my numbers are pretty good, being over 99% for that box and for all three of my boinc hosts (one doesn't run E@H). I wonder because there are times when my P4 3.2 gig box sometimes will go days or even weeks before I reset (dedicated cruncher), and same for my laptop (1.6 gig Pent. M), depending on when I take it on the road for college homework. Any good guidelines on resets for boinc hosts?
Hi, Gerry,
as I wrote, BOINC is running on my working machine in background and I don't care what it's doing. There's no reason as it's running absolutely stable. But it's not a dedicated PC and I'm frequently messing around with really weird software and sometimes I have to eliminate remaining junk radically. I never had to restart due to BOINC. I keep another machine warm for "clean" work.
Hey Jeff, Looking over
Hey Jeff,
Looking over this latest data I'm not seeing the WZC service running so it doesn't appear it's the culprit.
However, this has all the looks of a machine that is used a lot to do "real" work. ;-)
I'm seeing here what looks to be full boat installs of Office, Norton ISS, Acrobat, etc. which I'm assuming you need for your day to day chores.
One thing you could do is evaluate whether you need all the features for your productivity apps set to run all the time or by default, and trim that back some if you can.
In any event, here's a link to a pretty good site covering what Services have to be running for Windows to function:
Black Viper Services Guide
Generally speaking, I have never had a problem disabling extra services temporarily for troubleshooting. Just make sure you keep notes as to what you change in the configuration as you go so you can put things back they way they were as you eliminate candidates.
RE: This is Mr. Gergel;
I notice that our man Boris is resetting a couple of times a week. Hmmmm. About how often should a cruncher who runs boinc 24/7 like myself reset? I have an E6400 @2.13 gig on my C2D, and my numbers are pretty good, being over 99% for that box and for all three of my boinc hosts (one doesn't run E@H). I wonder because there are times when my P4 3.2 gig box sometimes will go days or even weeks before I reset (dedicated cruncher), and same for my laptop (1.6 gig Pent. M), depending on when I take it on the road for college homework. Any good guidelines on resets for boinc hosts?
(Click for detailed stats)
Theoretically you shouldn't
Theoretically you shouldn't have to reset unless something goes badly wrong. I can count the number if times I've reset my hosts in almost 2 years on one hand.
Usually you can fix most problems without having to resort to a reset or detach/attach cycle.
The only service i noted can
The only service i noted can be a bit of a CPU hog was Java. That said its generally not too bad these days.
As for reboots i almost never unless a) im taking my laptop to work or b) Im upgrading kernels, or have a boinc disaster. Less reboots is always more uptime
RE: RE: This is Mr.
I think "Boris" is talking about resetting (that is restarting) his computer not resetting the projekt...
More on the situation
More on the situation later.
But for now, I need to know how to add the World Community Grid project ot my bonic stats? As I said previously it was not showing up.
@Udo: Got it. I was using
@Udo: Got it. I was using reset in place of restart, much like clownius afer me did. The two terms seem to be interchanged quite a lot on the net.
@Jeff: I think you just have to wait for your stats a few days until things get synced between the project and the boincstats site or something like that. You could post a message on th bioncstats boards, or check their forum. I am pretty sure the answer is there as I have heard this answer before but don't remember exactly.
(Click for detailed stats)
Gerry it's been a month...
Gerry it's been a month... All the other ones are showing up, but WCG is not... Been a month now... Never saw it on Boinc before either...
RE: I notice that our man
Hi, Gerry,
as I wrote, BOINC is running on my working machine in background and I don't care what it's doing. There's no reason as it's running absolutely stable. But it's not a dedicated PC and I'm frequently messing around with really weird software and sometimes I have to eliminate remaining junk radically. I never had to restart due to BOINC. I keep another machine warm for "clean" work.
I am assuming that no one has
I am assuming that no one has other suggestions on how to add the WCG stats to Boinc?