I was doing this with my amd cpu (and amdgpu PCI) to keep it from trying to run jobs on the ryzan cpu. The PCI gpu has 20g mem but the client would die trying to run on the internal cpu's video process as well that has only 1/2 g or so of memory? I used the 'ignore' option as the integral video was id'd as '1' I think and the PCI amdgpu was id '0'. So in my case I used '1' for 'N'. ID's as shown in the boinc-client log or clinfo as well I think. Then the boinc client showed a line about 'ignoring gpu dev 1 per cc_config' or some such info line. And it would not crash.
under 'options' in the cc_config -
--- remarks ---
Ignore (don't use) a specific ATI GPU. You can ignore more than one. Requires a client restart.
The only reason I went with this instead of the 'exclude gpu' was there was only 1 line needed. (lazy)
for more granularity to be able to specify by project running I think you want the exclude option where you can specify all of that.
Are you sure of the app_name? Wasn't O3MDF the old application tasks that have been deprecated. I only see O3MD1 and O3AS in that application list now.
Haven't seen any O3MD1 tasks for a month. I think that app is deprecated too now. Should be nothing but O3AS gpu tasks for Gravity Wave being sent out now.
Use a gpu_exclude statement
Use a gpu_exclude statement in your cc_config.xml file to keep that application off the 1050.
I was doing this with my amd
I was doing this with my amd cpu (and amdgpu PCI) to keep it from trying to run jobs on the ryzan cpu. The PCI gpu has 20g mem but the client would die trying to run on the internal cpu's video process as well that has only 1/2 g or so of memory? I used the 'ignore' option as the integral video was id'd as '1' I think and the PCI amdgpu was id '0'. So in my case I used '1' for 'N'. ID's as shown in the boinc-client log or clinfo as well I think. Then the boinc client showed a line about 'ignoring gpu dev 1 per cc_config' or some such info line. And it would not crash.
under 'options' in the cc_config -
--- remarks ---
Ignore (don't use) a specific ATI GPU. You can ignore more than one. Requires a client restart.
The only reason I went with this instead of the 'exclude gpu' was there was only 1 line needed. (lazy)
for more granularity to be able to specify by project running I think you want the exclude option where you can specify all of that.
Yes you would need to be
Yes you would need to be specific about which app you want to exclude. Something like this:
Or in your case, change the app to O3AS or whatever the proper app_name is in the client_state.xml for the task type.
And match up the correct gpu number for the 1050 for its position in the Boinc discovery process at startup.
Goes in the <Options> section.
That just keeps the GW app off the 1050 but allows other apps to run on it just fine.
I thought I had put that in
I thought I had put that in the cc_config, but I had not copied it from the creation folder to the data folder.
I just need to add the application name now for open sky and I think everything will be in order again.
So this is what I ended up
So this is what I ended up with:
The project reports this:
7/28/2023 7:02:25 PM | Einstein@Home | Config: excluded GPU. Type: all. App: einstein_O3MDF. Device: 1
Are you sure of the
Are you sure of the app_name? Wasn't O3MDF the old application tasks that have been deprecated. I only see O3MD1 and O3AS in that application list now.
Haven't seen any O3MD1 tasks for a month. I think that app is deprecated too now. Should be nothing but O3AS gpu tasks for Gravity Wave being sent out now.
Yeah it’s O3AS
Yeah it’s O3AS
Well ok..a few letters to
Well ok..a few letters to change. Thanks
7/28/2023 9:07:04 PM | Einstein@Home | Config: excluded GPU. Type: all. App: einstein_O3AS. Device: 1
I've ran a few tasks,
I've ran a few tasks, everything seems ok.
Thanks guys.