But at least it was not as a wet and cold was yesterday. Temperatures yesterday were around 9°C, and the rain was so heavy that it left quite deep puddles.
A police today the temperature is up around 12°C, and the drizzle is not as heavy.
But am like an ageless is power outage, I can still win.
Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!
RE: I have to stay sharp to
Sharp as a nurse's needle????
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
RE: RE: I have to stay
That works for me!
Now there, I'm awake at noon
Now there, I'm awake at noon UK, so I can take the strain now?
Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!
Miserable weather for a bank
Miserable weather for a bank holiday!
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
Was without power for 6 hours
Was without power for 6 hours so I couldn't even win here. :(
RE: Miserable weather for a
Very true!
But at least it was not as a wet and cold was yesterday. Temperatures yesterday were around 9°C, and the rain was so heavy that it left quite deep puddles.
A police today the temperature is up around 12°C, and the drizzle is not as heavy.
But am like an ageless is power outage, I can still win.
Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!
RE: But am like an ageless
New maths? :)
Agreed, you back online and
Agreed, you back online and therefore posting.
I should have taken advantage of your power outage to boost my win.
Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!
Heh, next time I have a power
Heh, next time I have a power outage I'll send my pigeon over to warn you. :)
*sneeks in*....
*sneeks in*....