Light bulb jokes.

Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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Message 24035 in response to message 24034


Oh Tullio, electrical power is not expensive at all in Tehran, not because we have nuclear reactors, but altogether the cost of life is very cheap here.On the other hand Tehran's market is full of all sort of ultra-modern electrical equipments and all the citizens use very fancy and modern things for light.What i told about what happened to me is just an example of my very medieval way of life i have by choice ,LOL ! Cheers

OK, I shall tell you a standard Italian joke.
Question; how many Carabinieri are needed to change a light buld in their barracks?
Answer: two thousand and one. One keeps the bulb steady, the others rotate the barracks.
This is a perfect application of general relativity: all reference frames are equivalent. Cheers.
PS My son served as a Carabiniere. No offence meant to that Army Corps.

LOL! Tullio, very funny and very "scientific" joke. Now I see why Roma was so splendid and so bright at night and so full of carabinieri cars, because they apply the general relativity even to change a light bulb ! LOL ! Cheers


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Message 24036 in response to message 24034


Oh Tullio, electrical power is not expensive at all in Tehran, not because we have nuclear reactors, but altogether the cost of life is very cheap here.On the other hand Tehran's market is full of all sort of ultra-modern electrical equipments and all the citizens use very fancy and modern things for light.What i told about what happened to me is just an example of my very medieval way of life i have by choice ,LOL ! Cheers

OK, I shall tell you a standard Italian joke.
Question; how many Carabinieri are needed to change a light buld in their barracks?
Answer: two thousand and one. One keeps the bulb steady, the others rotate the barracks.
This is a perfect application of general relativity: all reference frames are equivalent. Cheers.
PS My son served as a Carabiniere. No offence meant to that Army Corps.

Haha, "general" relativity, very funny. But it wouldn't be any good to rotate the barracks, since the guy inside changing the bulb would rotate at the same speed as the barracks, and towards the same direction.

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Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: RE: RE: RE: Quote

Message 24037 in response to message 24036


Oh Tullio, electrical power is not expensive at all in Tehran, not because we have nuclear reactors, but altogether the cost of life is very cheap here.On the other hand Tehran's market is full of all sort of ultra-modern electrical equipments and all the citizens use very fancy and modern things for light.What i told about what happened to me is just an example of my very medieval way of life i have by choice ,LOL ! Cheers

OK, I shall tell you a standard Italian joke.
Question; how many Carabinieri are needed to change a light buld in their barracks?
Answer: two thousand and one. One keeps the bulb steady, the others rotate the barracks.
This is a perfect application of general relativity: all reference frames are equivalent. Cheers.
PS My son served as a Carabiniere. No offence meant to that Army Corps.

Haha, "general" relativity, very funny. But it wouldn't be any good to rotate the barracks, since the guy inside changing the bulb would rotate at the same speed as the barracks, and towards the same direction.

HomeGnome ! Not necessarily in general relativity and not at all in special relativity ...


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Astronomer #1: .... so

Astronomer #1: .... so anyway, the cop pulls me over and asks if I realized that I had just run a red light. So I said that I did not see the light as being red, because it must have blue-shifted as I was approaching it.

Astronomer #2: And he let you go?

Astronomer #1: No. He gave me a speeding ticket instead.

Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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The Light of a Candle !

The Light of a Candle !

Many centuries ago in East, an eccentric peasant in a village invited his friends for a dinner .The guests after waiting some hours for the meal, asked directly their host for it. The host told them that he will go out seeing what happened to the meal and if it is ready , he would bring it.The guests waited for some other 2 hours and while starving went out to find the host.After searching a long time for him, they saw that he hanged a huge saucepan on a strong branch of an old tree by chains, and under the saucepan, with a considerable distance a tiny candle was burning.

The guests asked their host what he was doing.The host told them that he waited for the rice to be cooked.They said :"are you fool or what ? How do you expect that a tiny candle make boiled the rice in such a huge saucepan? The eccentric host told them :" How so ? When the sunlight at such a long distance can make us feeling the warmth, the light of a candle at this short distance can not make boiling the rice ?"

The guests, hungry, left him and went to their home.


George Wade
George Wade
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RE: RE: RE: RE: About

Message 24040 in response to message 24037


About the Carabiniere holld ing the light bulb steady: if the floor is bare earth and his step ladder is supported on that; the experiment in general relativity will come off OK ! And the light bulb will get screwed.

He can get drunk and throw up, too, without spoiing the floor.


Oh Tullio, electrical power is not expensive at all in Tehran.....LOL ! Cheers

OK, I shall tell you a standard Italian joke.
Question; how many Carabinieri are needed to change a light buld in their barracks?
Answer: two thousand and one. One keeps the bulb steady, the others rotate the barracks.
This is a perfect application of general relativity: all reference frames are equivalent. Cheers.
PS My son served as a Carabiniere. No offence meant to that Army Corps.

Haha, "general" relativity, very funny. But it wouldn't be any good to rotate the barracks, since the guy inside changing the bulb would rotate at the same speed as the barracks, and towards the same direction.

HomeGnome ! Not necessarily in general relativity and not at all in special relativity ...

Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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Starlight ! An eccentric

Starlight !

An eccentric countryman went for a walk to some village and arrived to the market. A big crowd was gathered that day for all sort of business. The eccentric countryman finding the moment opportune for a speech, ascended on a stool and with a loud voice spoke to people and said : "have you ever known that the weather and climate here are exactly like the ones of my village?" The people replied :"how would you know that ?" The eccentric countryman said :" because I see here the same starlight and the same moonlight I see in my own village !"...


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Ok Its a little dirty I know

Ok Its a little dirty I know but I thought it was funny too.

How many Desperate Housewives does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Come on, Desperate Housewives don't screw in lightbulbs - they screw in SUV's.

Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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Enlightening ! An

Enlightening !

An eccentric man entered in a very odd city and took a walk in its market. Someone asked him :"what day is today ?". The eccentric man replied :"well you know , it's just a moment that i entered into this city and don't know yet the days of this town, it would be better asking your question to one of the residents of this same town, who is enough familiar with days ...


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This joke I found in a

This joke I found in a science fiction novel called Queen of Angels, written by Greg Bear.

Why does the self-aware person look at him/herself in the mirror?
To get to the other side!


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