This is a suggestion to improve EaH web site usability.It's a very basic HTML code,which provides shortcuts in a frame on the right of EaH site.Give it a try !
It has been tested running Windows XP SP2, with 2 different browsers:- Mozilla Firefox 1.0.1- Internet Explorer 6.0
To implement it, follow these 10 steps:1 - create a new directory --name doesn't matter.2 - in this directory, create with a text editor (e.g. NotePad) a file named index.html.3 - cut and paste the following code into index.html:[pre]
eah II
Frames required
4 - file index.html.5 - in the same directory, create a second file named navy.html.6 - cut and paste the following code into navy.html:[pre]
eah II navy
- Server Status
- Profile Zone
- Teams Zone
My Account
- Edit My Profile
- Edit Gen Prefs
- Edit EaH Prefs
- Edit BB Prefs
My Results
- Pending Credit
- My Computers
Message Boards
- Café E.
- Corner
- Science
- Start
- Bugs
- Wish
In The News
Allowed HTML
7 - in navy.html, replace "#####" by your ID number.8 - file navy.html.9 - if you use Internet Explorer,you must add Einstein@Home web site to the list of trusted sites, due to IE cookies management.Proceed as described in the following page Add a Web Site to the List of Trusted or Restricted Sites
10 - double-click on index.html... and you're done.
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