OTF is the only wahre Off-Topic Forum in den Tiefen of the heise-Imperium.
It is also known als das Cnter of the Internet, Life, Universe and everything else.
You are completely recht, my dear friend Verleihnixx (but your fish stinks gottserbärmlich!). We are quite happy, that HEISE MEDIENGIGANT has eingerichtet uns a supercool forum with the name "Einstein allein zu Haus", which is in my opinion a Anspielung auf the movie "Kevin alone zu Haus".
Ãœbrigens mag ich my Duden.
Ich find it really schade, that they have thrown us out of the OTF, only because tabsi and Tyler are aufreging sich.
I don`t really like the new Forum.
So I am auswandering hierher.
OTF is the only wahre
OTF is the only wahre Off-Topic Forum in den Tiefen of the heise-Imperium.
It is also known als das Cnter of the Internet, Life, Universe and everything else.
You are completely recht, my
You are completely recht, my dear friend Verleihnixx (but your fish stinks gottserbärmlich!). We are quite happy, that HEISE MEDIENGIGANT has eingerichtet uns a supercool forum with the name "Einstein allein zu Haus", which is in my opinion a Anspielung auf the movie "Kevin alone zu Haus".
Ãœbrigens mag ich my Duden.
Und gesungen wird nicht!
Ich find it really schade,
Ich find it really schade, that they have thrown us out of the OTF, only because tabsi and Tyler are aufreging sich.
I don`t really like the new Forum.
So I am auswandering hierher.