computational errors

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Thanks. (delayed by a 2300 km

Message 94900 in response to message 94897

Thanks. (delayed by a 2300 km school holiday drive...)

The boincs were just as and where you described.
The ownership of 6:4:5 was ROOT ROOT.
Can't rename 'boinc' probably because of permission.
The processes stopped using --quit.
You seem to be logged in as root whereas I see ubu@ubu-desktop:~/BOINC$

ubu@ubu-desktop:~/BOINC$ chown root:root boinc
chown: changing ownership of `boinc': Operation not permitted

cp isn't allowed either nor copying via the file browser.

What about SYSTEM>AMINISTRATION>USERSandGROUPS>USERS SETTINGS to give UBU (my user name) more powerful status?


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: The ownership of 6:4:5

Message 94901 in response to message 94900

The ownership of 6:4:5 was ROOT ROOT.

As both tullio and Bikeman have mentioned, you don't need to run BOINC as root. Also there is no need to have anything in the BOINC tree owned by root.

Can't rename 'boinc' probably because of permission.

No, you can't rename BOINC because unless you are root why should you be allowed to interfere with files owned by anyone else? The system is simply protecting the integrity of files you don't own. Ownership and permissions are quite separate things.

The processes stopped using --quit.
You seem to be logged in as root whereas I see ubu@ubu-desktop:~/BOINC$

That's exactly correct. The '$' at the end of the prompt string means you are an unprivileged user. Such a user cannot normally change a file owned by root unless the permissions (eg at least rw-rw-rw-) allowed it. It's extremely unlikely that a root owned file would have these lax permissions unless you want to have trouble.


ubu@ubu-desktop:~/BOINC$ chown root:root boinc
chown: changing ownership of `boinc': Operation not permitted

cp isn't allowed either nor copying via the file browser.

You should be entirely unsurprised by this. This is exactly what the system is supposed to do to protect itself. Normal users are not allowed to interfere with files owned by others. You may be able to read them or even execute them but most times you shouldn't be able to change them. If it is required for you to change a file, you would normally own it.

What about SYSTEM>AMINISTRATION>USERSandGROUPS>USERS SETTINGS to give UBU (my user name) more powerful status?

Absolutely not. If you actually need more privileges, either become root using the root password or use 'sudo' in front of the normal command string and enter the appropriate password when prompted.

The goal you need to aspire to is to have an unprivileged BOINC user and 'ubu' would be fine for that if you don't want to create an extra one. At the top of the BOINC tree (and as root or using sudo) you need to do 'chown -R ubu:ubu dirname' where 'dirname' is the name of the directory in which the BOINC stuff resides. There may be more than one part to the BOINC tree, eg. separate subtrees for programs and data depending on how things were set up by the package creator. Do a 'man chown' and read about what the -R flag does.

Because of the rapidity with which BOINC changes and the normal slowness of package maintainers to keep updating the package, I would suggest that you don't install and use a prepackaged BOINC, unless you have no intention of even trying to keep up-to-date. It is actually pretty straight forward to keep up-to-date yourself once you understand linux a bit better. a linux BOINC upgrade is actually easier than a Win upgrade even though most would regard the Win install 'over the top' as being pretty simple. here's what I do for a linux BOINC upgrade:-

  • * Download the particular shell archive from to a shared directory somewhere convenient.
    * Feed it to a shell to unpack it (ie 'bash )
    * Ignore everything else extracted except for the three executables for boinc, boincmgr and boinccmd.
    * Make sure these three have execute permissions and appropriate ownership eg. rwxr-xr-x (ie 755) and ubu:ubu - change with 'chmod' and 'chown' if necessary.
    * Stop BOINC completely and confirm.
    * Copy the 3 files over the top of the existing 'old version' files.
    * Restart BOINC.

Once you have done one machine, if you have several on a LAN, the others can be done by just the last three steps.

It's just a bit more involved if you are setting up BOINC for the first time rather than using a package. You need a script in /etc/init.d/ or wherever your particular distro puts the startup scripts. You should take a look at the script provided by your packaged version and you could easily modify it to taste.


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There is another point you

Message 94902 in response to message 94901

There is another point you should know. If you upgrade from 6.4.5 to anything of 6.10.X you need the libsqlite3 from your distri too.
I have no log from that message because boinc tries to start and in the next second a message about missing sqlite3 was on screen only.

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