Run CPU versions of applications for which GPU versions are available:
GPU utilization factor of BRP apps:
DANGEROUS! Only touch this if you are absolutely sure of what you are doing!
Wrong setting might even damage your computer! Use solely on your own risk! Default value: 1.0
GPU utilization factor of FGRP apps:
DANGEROUS! Only touch this if you are absolutely sure of what you are doing!
Wrong setting might even damage your computer! Use solely on your own risk! Default value: 1.0
GPU utilization factor of GW apps:
DANGEROUS! Only touch this if you are absolutely sure of what you are doing!
Wrong setting might even damage your computer! Use solely on your own risk! Default value: 1.0
You do NOT want the 0.50 in ANY of the boxes, they should all be 1.0, meaning only 1 workunit runs at any one time on any single device.
Also deselect the Intel workunits here:
Use CPU:
Request CPU-only tasks from this project.
Request NVIDIA GPU tasks from this project.
Request ATI GPU tasks from this project.
Request Intel GPU tasks from this project.
Make sure the Intel selection is NO. The ATI and Nvidia boxes can both be checked as it makes zero amount of difference, the Project will detect which you have and only send you the correct units for it.
(No subject)
Print of the tasks I'm running now.
What about deselecting your
What about deselecting your Intel GPU given that you get many many invalids from it?! That would allow you a second CPU task.
Andre Cosenza wrote:Print of
Check this setting too under Preferences, Computing, Project:
Other settings
solling2 wrote:What about
I didn't see those invalids. It may be because of this double devices thing.
My GPU app's factors are all set to 1. I didn't change that since I started computing with this laptop.
Looking at the "client_state" file, I saw this:
Tried to change that to 1, but it keep changing back to 2. Even in read only mode.
I'll keep trying to fix this, since my RAC lowered a bit.
Many thanks to all of you
how many GPUs does GPU-Z show
how many GPUs does GPU-Z show by chance? For some reason BM thinks you have 2 of each.
mmonnin wrote:how many GPUs
GPU-Z is showing 1 GPU of each.
1 intel and 1 AMD
I think I've found a
I think I've found a turnaround for this issue.
Using CC_config file, I excluded one of each GPU(device 0), and it's now running one taks at time.
Thanks everyone for your support.