Boinc MGR not displaying on Ubuntu

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RE: Following the links on

Message 81982 in response to message 81981


Following the links on the page I gave you before, I find this:

Thanks. That page changes depending on the OS you're using. Earlier on I couldn't see the same thing you saw, but I can now.

Ok, so that links to instructions to install from the repositories and from source, but I'm presuming that you didn't go for the source option. Now, here's the thing, did you do:

apt-get update
apt-get install boinc-client boinc-manager


chmod u+x

or maybe you did both?

I suspect the former or the latter, because you seem to have the binary files in the right places, but not the data files. Also, the process info you posted doesn't match my experience of the the way the package installation would start the client. On a properly running Hardy setup, ps -efw | grep -i boinc would give:
boinc 5603 1 0 20:04 ? 00:00:01 /usr/bin/boinc_client --check_all_logins --redirectio --dir /var/lib/boinc-client
sudo netstat -lp | grep -i 31416 would give:
tcp 0 0 *:31416 *:* LISTEN 5603/boinc_client

Yours might be just a step or two away from that, or it could be completely broken. One reason to use aptitude over apt-get is that it takes care of the dependencies quite nicely.

As for how I run boinmgr, I run it with /usr/bin/boincmgr, either from a terminal or the Applications menu. IIRC, it was put there by the install program.

The data on how the install program launches the manager can be found in the following file: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/boinc-manager.desktop
It starts /usr/bin/boincmgr with a path of /var/lib/boinc-client which you don't seem to have. As you can see above, when correctly started, the daemon uses the same path.

To put it bluntly, your boinc install seems a bit messed up and inconsistent. If you can determine where your boinc data dir is, you can try editing the desktop file I mentioned above and changing the path setting. But I suspect that it's just going to make things even more complicated for the future.

As far as uninstall/reinstall, isn't that the Windows way, not the Linux way?

I don't think windows has a moratorium on uninstall and reinstall. If such a facility exists in anything, why wouldn't it be used. On some linux distro's there's no install/uninstall option. I know, I used one like that for many years. In those distro's you have to do a bit of work, download, untar, ./configure, make. If you were lucky make install and make remove worked, or you did lots of cp'ing and/or ln'ing and rm'ing. Otherwise you just rm it and go back to untar. Trust me, stick to ubuntu and its nice little package repository system. Takes a lot of mundane behind the scenes work away for the basic easy to use stuff. You can still be hardcore when you want to be for the difficult stuff.

I know that when I had a little trouble with mine, I was sneered at for suggesting it; now you're sneering at me for not doing it.

No, there's no sneering going on here. Just a little light hearted banter. Unix folks like to believe they are quite clever. And that's also usually quite true, but some forget that they were once just dumb *nix noobs too. Now they've learned a few things, they think they know it all. Sadly, they don't have much to offer those that choose to learn, even though they must be continuously learning themselves because I've never met one with all the answers. Another reason to enjoy ubuntu. Their forums are full of answers, not links full of go RTFM.

Decision time.
Do you want to do it the easy way or the hard way? Both will work, but my ability to post may not outlast the hard way, as my RAC is dropping.... :)

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RE: but my ability to post

Message 81983 in response to message 81982

but my ability to post may not outlast the hard way, as my RAC is dropping.... :)

That shouldn't matter around here. You only need RAC to be able to post in the Discussion forums, not in the Help Desk area.

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I used the apt-get method, as

Message 81984 in response to message 81982

I used the apt-get method, as that was what was instructed.

If need be, I'll uninstall/reinstall, but I don't like to use it as the first option. In my case, it was needed because I hadn't found the instructions for Doing It Right, and got it messed up. In this case, I did follow the instructions. If there's a better set of instructions, let me know, and I'll see what I can do. (It's not my box, but my sister isn't up to this type of thing and lets me handle it.)

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RE: I used the apt-get

Message 81985 in response to message 81984

I used the apt-get method, as that was what was instructed.

And it should have worked. I'm not quite sure why it didn't. You have mentioned that it did work at first and then it didn't. Maybe we'll find out in due course.

Just because we can, I would suggest we try and salvage what you currently have. This way may help us both learn a little more about BOINC and linux. If we make no headway or your (or my :) patience wears out, we can just go the re-install route.

If there's a better set of instructions, let me know, and I'll see what I can do.

There may be something like that in the pipeline....:)

An overview of what I'm proposing is:
1.) Get the client working properly and reliably
1.1) Find the boinc directory that has the projects that you attached to and change any permissions as necessary.
1.2) Determine how the client is currently starting and cease that.
1.3) Make use of the ubuntu startup scripts to start the client using the directory from 1.1

2.) Get the manager talking to the client consistently.
2.1) Change the manager launch script to use the directory from 1.1

These may change as we progress. :)
We will do this interactively. I will ask you to perform a task and when complete, I can evaluate the result and progress further.

To find the correct directory we will search for well known BOINC files, the project account files. To do this, we issue the following command:
sudo find / -name "account_*xml" -print
This will identify the projects that you are attached to on this computer, and the locations of the files. These files are present in the root of the BOINC data directory.

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Sounds good to me. Doing

Message 81986 in response to message 81985

Sounds good to me. Doing some checking on her computer found something interesting: boinc_client is just sitting there, sleeping, never doing anything. (I used ps aux to get its PID and top -p PID to watch it.) Maybe I need to stop/restart it.

Alas, that doesn't work, because /etc/init.d/boinc-client doesn't exist. I think you were right about a damaged or incomplete installation. Anything else to try before we nuke and rebuild?

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RE: Sounds good to me.

Message 81987 in response to message 81986

Sounds good to me. Doing some checking on her computer found something interesting: boinc_client is just sitting there, sleeping, never doing anything. (I used ps aux to get its PID and top -p PID to watch it.) Maybe I need to stop/restart it.

This sounds OK. boinc_client should be sleeping most of the time unless it's actively doing some sort of management task.

Alas, that doesn't work, because /etc/init.d/boinc-client doesn't exist. I think you were right about a damaged or incomplete installation. Anything else to try before we nuke and rebuild?

If it were me, I'd nuke and rebuild at this point. You might be able to save your data directory (where ever it's kept) and copy that back over what gets put in the new install. I'd only do that if everything in it looks intact. A lot depends on where the *buntu package puts everything (especially how it handles client_state.xml).

If you nuke and rebuild, you'll probably end up with a new host ID. Merge the old into the new and E@H will resend the tasks you lost.

Maybe another *buntu package user can give you a listing of what files should be where. I'm a Fedora person not using our package, so I'm no use for that.

Kathryn :o)

Einstein@Home Moderator

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RE: If it were me, I'd nuke

Message 81988 in response to message 81987


If it were me, I'd nuke and rebuild at this point.

Maybe another *buntu package user can give you a listing of what files should be where. I'm a Fedora person not using our package, so I'm no use for that.

Yeah, I think it might be best. *Sigh!* Like you, I'm a Fedora user, but Ubuntu's easier for my sister. Thanx for all your help.

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RE: RE: If it were me,

Message 81989 in response to message 81988


If it were me, I'd nuke and rebuild at this point.

Maybe another *buntu package user can give you a listing of what files should be where. I'm a Fedora person not using our package, so I'm no use for that.

Yeah, I think it might be best. *Sigh!* Like you, I'm a Fedora user, but Ubuntu's easier for my sister. Thanx for all your help.

No problem Joe.

I started out with Ubuntu but was glad when I moved onto Fedora. Maybe for me it was more the gnome/kde thing (I made the switch at the same time). I have an install of Kubuntu hanging around for fun, but I never use it. Once you get used to the RH way, it's hard to remember to do it the Debian way (sudo, I'm looking at you, LOL).

Kathryn :o)

Einstein@Home Moderator

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RE: Maybe another

Message 81990 in response to message 81987


Maybe another *buntu package user can give you a listing of what files should be where. I'm a Fedora person not using our package, so I'm no use for that.

The programs are in /usr/bin, data is in /var/lib/boinc-client, and control is in /etc/init.d . This is after loading via the Ubuntu program manager system.

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RE: Yeah, I think it might

Message 81991 in response to message 81988

Yeah, I think it might be best. *Sigh!* Like you, I'm a Fedora user, but Ubuntu's easier for my sister. Thanx for all your help.

Ok, if you want to go that route the following commands will remove the boinc files. The order doesn't seem to be important, but I suggest removing the manager files first:
sudo aptitude purge boinc-manager
sudo aptitude purge boinc-client

When removing the client files you will be asked if you wish to remove the boinc data directory. Given the inconsistent state of your existing setup, it doesn't seem like it's going to make much difference, so you should answer yes. Default option is No, so use TAB or arrow keys to move between Yes and No and press ENTER to activate your selection.

Once that's complete, BOINC is removed.

Then to install it again, there are two commands:
sudo aptitude install boinc-client
sudo aptitude install boinc-manager

After those are complete, BOINC is installed and you can launch the manager and reattach to the projects. The client will default to start at boot time, so there is nothing more to be done there.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask at any time.

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