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Zalster wrote:Not sure but I think each work unit needs it's own exclude for each work unit.  ie, you can't but both in...
25th April 2020
Lovely, missing reference to both GW tasks. Fixed. Tom M wrote:<cc_config>  <log_flags>    <sched_op_debug...
24th April 2020
Peter Hucker wrote:I've got 1010 Gamma awaiting validation!  My wingmen are taking too long.... I've reduced my buffer to...
24th April 2020
Peter Hucker wrote:Tom M wrote:I am NNT Cosmology@Home to free up that thread for CPU GW processing.  I was going to do...
24th April 2020
Ian&Steve C. wrote:i don't think it has to do with the driver. some GW workunits require more memory than others, even...
24th April 2020