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The usual problem with this trick is the appliance you are using isn't designed to run 24/7 and doesn't have sufficient...
11th July 2020
I was looking at my E@H tasks on the website for this machine: Moonshot And noticed the tasks seem to be downloading in...
10th July 2020
The RX 580's with 8GB of video ram showed up.  They are installed on this box. I am running gpu tasks from "all"...
2nd July 2020
Tom M commented on Power consumpsion
I am getting hit with "heatwave" warnings so I have my systems suspend during those periods of the daytime.  Then my A/C...
2nd July 2020
Anyone got in theories about why the bottom end of the top 50 list of computer systems is now showing RAC's under 1,000,...
2nd July 2020