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George wrote: I'm not sure how much 'paging' I'm doing, but I have my preferences for paging set at 75%. How do you...
8th March 2021
I don't know if I am smarter than a squirrel. I apparently wasn't paying attention and what was an otherwise completely...
8th March 2021
Tom M commented on Humor
I owe, I owe, its off the work I go...  (a bumper sticker on a Mercedes Benz).  And possibly apologies to Walt Disney.
8th March 2021
Now that we have more information about the "inflation" I am wondering what my RAC per rx 5700 would have been under the...
7th March 2021
Tom M commented on Humor
HAL wrote: I keep wanting to try that Prevagen memory support drug I see on TV, but I can't ever remember to buy it...
7th March 2021