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Quote:I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to report this, but I'm showing three of my BRP4X64 (Arecibo) tasks as...
7th August 2013
Quote:Quote:Yes, 0.14 x 7 = 0.98 so Boinc would start 7 GPU tasks. The 0.2 CPU will still be the same for every task...
7th August 2013
Not possible to merge these 2 hosts since they are not close to the same even if you used the same HD. http://...
5th August 2013
Were you running all 4 applications before the driver update? Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo) | Gamma-ray pulsar...
2nd August 2013
That happens when there are different results from the same tasks by different hosts which at times it takes a 3rd result...
30th July 2013