MAGIC Quantum Mechanic commented on Milestones V
Quote:Yeah, skål !
Think I'll celebrate with a beer tonight and watch a football (soccer) game. Just noticed that it...
4th September 2014
MAGIC Quantum Mechanic commented on "Save Lick Observatory" campaign
Yes I wouldn't mind helping them there either Mike and I could drive down the coast so it won't be by plane or ship!
4th September 2014
Quote:Now that I think about it, the police did not routinely carry a sidearm then ( quiet rural Victoria was not well...
2nd September 2014
MAGIC Quantum Mechanic commented on Milestones V
Quote:Just broke 75m :)
Now to await the big 100m...
Congrats Darren
Your 660Ti will get you there fast if you...
1st September 2014
MAGIC Quantum Mechanic commented on No tengo tareas
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30th August 2014
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