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KSMarksPsych wrote:Morning all.  Seems like this day is cursed for my family.  A couple years ago dad had his...
5th October 2016
Seti and the Einstein Project are 2 different Universes to me and I wouldn't think about comparing them in any way. But I...
4th October 2016
TimeLord04 wrote:Just read the bad news that GPU tasks have run out of work!    So, I guess I won't be catching up to...
4th October 2016
Betreger wrote:Magic I live about 40 miles SE of you and my last PSE bill shows my tier 2 rate @ .116 $ per KWh. That's...
4th October 2016
I found out the last 10 years that doing things like weightlifting and basketball playing for 25 years did NOT make a...
3rd October 2016