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Quote: Alot of companies have learnt from the old Beta vs VHS ruckus. The first runner out of the blocks can write...
11th August 2009
Quote: The bigest credit per day however have 4870x2 owners in MW.... EVEN 400 000 per day with 2x4870x2... Cuda__...
11th August 2009
Bill592 commented on missing signature
Quote:Hi, does anybody know what might be wrong? Michael Murphy’s Law ? Sorry Michael, I have no idea....
11th August 2009
Quote: I could never quite get over the impression that the teacher passed me simply because he didn't want me to...
8th August 2009
I finally completed 2 ABP1 work units with the 3.09 app. averaging 5.79 hours each. That is pretty good ( I think )...
8th August 2009