Recent posts

Wow ! I haven’t been on the site in a couple of months and, was surprised and pleased to see this ! Congratulations...
26th August 2010
Relief well will fail, 46 billion gallons could flow into Gulf. Here’s something much more worrisome for you Global...
18th June 2010
Maybe Mercedes has figured out how to slip ads into Boinc ? Actually, I don’t use the screensaver either but, I think...
15th April 2010
Now I am Worried ! This means the ‘Doomsday Machine’ on Star Trek ,that came from Andromeda, could be...
17th February 2010
Global Warming in Last 15 Years Insignificant, U.K.'s Top Climate Scientist Admits So, they've been... Uh, Lying to us...
16th February 2010