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> Hi > > If you create a team you get a team id. > Its only cosmetic but should the same on other projects....
5th April 2005
hoarfrost started discussion Across-projects Team
We want that our team participate in several BOINC-projects. Creation a team with same name in each project is necessary...
5th April 2005
hoarfrost started discussion Unlucky WU's
Sometimes it may be funny! For example: application All-sky pulsar search created 15 Mar 2005 1:27:44 UTC...
30th March 2005
If I understand right, every participant make an small experiment. If it is a real fundamental science, every experiment...
29th March 2005
> I would suggest contacting hoarfrost with any articles, as I'm not sure > whether he is involved with
24th March 2005