Luxorion commented on Link to Sky Photos
Look for the word "time lapse" on the web. There are a lot of videos and some are today well known and used in many...
15th May 2014
Luxorion started discussion Disable temporary a CPU core for another application
Most of the time we ask BOINC to use all CPU/GPU ressources to process WU.
In my case I set the maximum usage to 90%...
15th May 2014
Luxorion started discussion Converting WU in sound ?
As one did for seti@home, is there out there an utility to convert WU (linked to a frequency and an amplitude...
14th May 2014
I correct my note because I noted a different behaviour.
This time (I deinstalled and reinsallled 4 times including with...
8th May 2014
I found the solution.
I have several choices to install BOINC (with virtual box or not):
- install as a service
8th May 2014
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