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Didn't found a full explanation of what is on the status page. So far, I decided to create a thread about it, so we can...
3rd January 2011
Yeah! That's great, that we are here for a long time and are doing together the best we can do - crunching. Happy...
2nd January 2011
Stranger7777 commented on BRP3 CUDA
You indeed need a powerful core to feed up the GPU. Looks like even E7200 core can not do this at full power. But may be...
24th December 2010
Quote:I'm not trying to get you personally to do anything. I'm hoping that perhaps a scientist may see some value in...
24th June 2010
Quote:Quote:It is unbelievable, but is great. But it is already know pulsar. What about new ones? That's part of the...
22nd June 2010