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Starting to notice more errors ramping up again on my main workhorse...   Link to page   Compared to seti@home...
9th January 2022
mohavewolfpup started discussion Computing Errors
Is there some error in the work units again? I'm getting pounded by "compute errors" on my main system. Nothing has...
21st March 2021
I got hammered with 69 of them (was 50 when I went to bed) So have pulled the plug on the main workhorse until it's...
21st December 2020
I'm up to 69 failed tasks and counting, so killing the client until it is fixed least I get banned.   <...
20th December 2020
Thanks, just ditched that out of the options. Man this is such a resource hog compared to seti@home and more confusing....
2nd July 2020