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petri33 commented on Quizzz
Hi, thanks. I wanted to try with friendly people first. So the question is still open.    
12th April 2020
petri33 started discussion Quizzz
How to make the curent NVIDIA (and maybe the AMD) GPUs to use less CPU? That is a question that needs and answer.   So,...
12th April 2020
Thanks,   I have a feeling that I downloaded this branch too, but If I remember correctly it misses (I may be wromg) the...
12th April 2020
.. and In the meantime.. HAs any of you played with the LD_PRELOAD and pthread_cond_wait - and saved the original call...
12th April 2020
And sorry for my mistake "Ligo with GPL". No. Ligo with NDA or an access password or with abrakadabra bla!. (I can not...
12th April 2020