Recent posts, so far 15 WU's for the garbage can counting up! That sucks me a lot whatever that will be only concerning a...
8th October 2015
...perhaps we're talking in different Directions. If something went wrong on this Computer, e.g. slowing down, why begin...
11th September 2015
...ok, fine, so I can see when the WU were completed. But I can't see a timestamp where the WU slows down. I've to look...
10th September 2015
...and where can I get the needed information? 1440723982 ue 44916.202999 ct 2054.969000 fe 590000000000000 nm...
10th September 2015
Hi Folks, something looks curious on one of my Maschine ( This one crunching...
8th September 2015