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Supercomputer zeigt erstmals Gravitationswellen vom 19. April 2006 (Popular german magazine reports about gravity waves...
22nd May 2006
Just for the record : r1_0267 has a bunch of "no consensus yet" problems too Better than just granting the credits...
11th May 2006
Ananas started discussion Bad link in
The link generated in branch if ($postnumber!=$previous_post+1){ (module near line 190) is wrong, instead...
10th May 2006
What about the temperature? Using everything the CPU has to offer, Akis' optimized clients produce more load than any...
10th May 2006
Mine isn't OCed (it's a Tyan board without any OC settings), it was quite warm though as one case vent broke, 11°C more...
7th May 2006