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That's only because he's dealt with so much conflict and assimilation. A good dose of sunshine and he will be polished...
5th December 2008
John Clark commented on Word Link 41
4th December 2008
archae86 Your surmise that more people bought the Q6,600 Core 2 quad for BOINC crunching, and overclocking, than do for...
4th December 2008
Quote:I think he mean Q6600 VS Q9000 series. No Q9x50 is fast enough at stock to compete with a 3.6GHz Q6600, and...
4th December 2008
Quote:Quote:Hi, what is the frequency of your i7? My Q6600 @ 3.6 GHz gives me around 4200 RAC (4300 at good days)....
4th December 2008