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MAGIC Quantum Mechanic wrote:Rest in Peace GeForce 560Ti OC  After many years of hard work here and even in its...
16th August 2019
archae86 wrote:archae86 wrote:Surely sometime soon I'll get either a validation or an invalid result. Well, the result is...
16th August 2019
Matt White wrote:...Cecht, I solved my desktop issue by purging all the drivers and reinstalling. I purged the unused...
16th August 2019
Matt White wrote:On another note: Ubuntu did an update yesterday, and I lost access to my desktop, a conman occurrence...
16th August 2019
robl wrote:For you ice cream lovers Oscar Mayer now has hot dog ice cream sandwiches.  Hmm!!!"hot dog ice cream" was a...
15th August 2019