Recent posts

Keith Myers wrote:But here is a 22 DF task that ran in the nominal amount of time, maybe on the lower percentile range...
30th June 2020
I tried looking at the task lists for a couple of my recent quorum partners.  I selected valid GW tasks only, and sorted...
30th June 2020
archae86 wrote:Apparently the server knew they'd be shorties, and sent along a work content estimate that was way down...
30th June 2020
Keith Myers wrote: Went looking for similar tasks.  Didn't have any.While it is issue number 23 rather than 22, and the...
29th June 2020
archae86 started discussion GW GPU Issue 22 oddity
I'm pretty new at running Einstein GW work on the GPU on one system.  I've been watching more closely than usual, and...
29th June 2020