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Quote:but how exactly do I figure out that "comparative advantage"? If you set resource share to 50/50, you can...
17th August 2006
Quote:I have a quick question regarding the new app... Is there a quick way to tell that a computer's downloaded it...
16th August 2006
On Einstein, as of now, you are already using current optimized aps (was beta a week ago) without doing anything special...
16th August 2006
Only a year to go, again, but this time on the way down rather than the way up. as of 7:06 PM UTC on Tuesday, 15 August...
15th August 2006
Quote: Execution time ratio (4.24/4.02) Banias 0.64 Gallatin HT with Simon's SETIenh 0.72 Coppermine #1 0.74...
8th August 2006