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Quote: Not all fail at the end, some fail at the very beginning. Hmmmm....could be related to zipping/unzipping files...
26th August 2007
I have nothing good to say about Prescott, not when it was an infant, young, old, or any other age. Hardly anyone allowed...
26th August 2007
Quote:The core 2 duo or the Athlon X2 too have almost the same speed than my G5 (compared core to core with the same...
26th August 2007
Quote:25/08/2007 16:45:04|Einstein@Home|Reason: Unrecoverable error for result h1_0506.25_S5R2__105_S5R2c_1 ( - exit...
26th August 2007
Quote:So 12% longer time observed, and this was still a mixed-application one. I'll revise my slowdown estimate to...
25th August 2007