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Quote:i do not think that it is very helpfull. There are my messages after restarting boinc or the pc, no difference...
25th September 2007
archae86 commented on S5R3
Quote: - no trace of a resend. I stand corrected. Thanks. I assumed the server as well as client_state.xml...
25th September 2007
archae86 commented on S5R3
Quote: NB for anyone else wanting to do any testing - have a look at the server status page first. While the "Oldest...
25th September 2007
Quote:From what I can see, all the new S5R2 work has been distributed, but occasional WUs do appear. I suspect...
24th September 2007
Quote:I've finished it now, it took about 11.5 hours to complete, so just over a third of the S5R2 units. got 220 cr...
23rd September 2007