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Quote:An interesting note... not that it matters in the long run: I've found that jobs started on the old 4.26 take...
14th February 2008
Quote:Quote: A very nice speedup--let's hope it turns out not to have any nasty habits. What would be really great...
14th February 2008
My first "pure" 4.32 result on my Q6600 has validated with 24201 CPU seconds. The expected value for its sequence number...
14th February 2008
"Oldest unsent result" is suddenly only 6 d 23 h 20 m old, where it had been over twice that. So, it would appear, all...
14th February 2008
This result was about 95% done Windows beta 4.26 when I restarted it on beta 4.32. It finished and has validated. That...
13th February 2008