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Quote:I don't think I've ever seen higher than 7 replications, and that was a rare event from what I remember. In...
9th October 2008
Quote:My initial guess is that on this host for this type of work the new ap makes the host about 17% more productive...
9th October 2008
Quote:but I'm meaning the contention that happens on multi-core... I've not seen people compare the Einstein...
9th October 2008
Quote:EEEE GAds, I just saw a chart of Archae86's Q6600 using windows in the other thread. My average of 21666...
9th October 2008
I have four 6.05 pure results returned and validated from a Conroe-class quad I call Stoll4 (Q6600 mildly overclocked near...
8th October 2008