archae86 commented on Xeon vs i7
Quote:BUT, mostly it is just that they can charge more and get away with it with the notion that the chips are "unique...
11th May 2009
archae86 commented on Xeon vs i7
Just in case someone happens upon this thread, I'd like to mention that Xeon is sort of a brand name for the server...
10th May 2009
archae86 commented on Does the Arecibo BPS make chirping sounds?
Quote:Noooooo, the OP is right. I hear it too and only when crunching Einstein tasks. It's definitely coming out of...
30th April 2009
archae86 commented on Does the Arecibo BPS make chirping sounds?
There are several components of a computing system which can produce audible sound that is somehow related to computation...
29th April 2009
archae86 commented on "Project is down" for 19 hours now
Note the update on the front Einstein page as of 14:47 UTC April 24 reads:
Quote:Apr 24, 2009
We have completed the...
24th April 2009
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