archae86 commented on Discrepancy in outstanding credits
If you run only a single flavor of task, and don't have any invalidation trouble, then the claimed credit pending is a...
21st May 2014
The current CasA GPU work needs much more CPU work per unit GPU work than other Einstein GPU tasks. The use of the GPU...
29th April 2014
archae86 commented on Setting resource share
Assuming that you are logged into your account at Einstein@home, on your main account page (the one that says your account...
27th April 2014
archae86 commented on Problem with CasA beta platform
Quote:Why so then the CPU costs more than my GPU?
For quite a few years now, standard CPU designs have been far...
20th April 2014
archae86 commented on Gravitational Wave search GPU App version
I enabled beta and GW for one GTX660-supplied host. The one thing I ran into that I've not seen mentioned here is that...
19th April 2014
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