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Quote:I've also noticed a problem with the fan as it keeps spinning up from time to time for no apparent reason. It...
28th May 2016
Quote:1. Power 65-75% TDP 5. Fan 53% or 2100 rpm, 79°C. It appears that the default fan control is not aggressive...
28th May 2016
Quote:Got my brand new 1080 already installed and crunching happily. Not sure about the settings though. I have four...
28th May 2016
possible reasons to get Founders Edition card: 1. desire to get a 1080 as soon as possible 2. lack of trust in the partner...
27th May 2016
Some nice views from Stage 1 after sep. Any idea what coated the lens after the re-entry burn. This is starting to...
27th May 2016