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None of my three Pascal cards has ever reported being anywhere near power limit.  Plenty of gamers get there, but I've not...
9th September 2016
ExtraTerrestrial Apes wrote:What about the 3 GB version? Is it more power efficeint than the 6 GB model?  I only took a...
8th September 2016
Keith Myers wrote: Looks to me like the 1060 3GB models offer the best bang for the buck with only 8% less performance...
7th September 2016
ExtraTerrestrial Apes wrote:Could you also include average power consumption? HWinfo64 reports it in W for convenience....
7th September 2016
mmonnin wrote:Does a memory overclock improve production? I have a 1070 but haven't really overclocked the memory. I...
7th September 2016