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I've made multiplicity comparison runs of my 1050 (not Ti) card running BRP4G/cuda55 work on my Westmere Windows 7 host.  ...
5th November 2016
My 1050 overclocking work seems to have reached ceilings on both memory and core clock imposed by the card, firmware, or...
3rd November 2016
For overclocking trials I am currently specifying offsets from default using MSIAfterburner.  I started with +400 to...
2nd November 2016
I'm gathering more data, and need to think some more, but my preliminary conclusion based on various measurements and...
2nd November 2016
Todderbert wrote:So I am curious as to what the 1050's actual wattage is being used while its crunching? to compare with...
2nd November 2016