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Ace Casino wrote:One of my computers (The one with the GTX 970) has switched over to the new Gamma-Ray Pulsar 1.16 but is...
17th December 2016
archae86 wrote:I expect to hit my 640 limit within another hour or two, but that should last me into the wee hours tonight...
17th December 2016
Gary Roberts wrote:Are you saying there was a deferral (somewhere in the range of 0-24 hours) that took you to something...
17th December 2016
It may be that some GPU cards will find this application can only be run correctly at a slightly lower maximum speed than...
17th December 2016
WhiteWulfe wrote:... the server is deferring me 24 hours now with the message "reached daily quota of I hit the daily...
17th December 2016