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rbpeake wrote:I get this log message: [version] NVidia device (or driver) doesn't support OpenCL For this GPU: NVIDIA...
31st December 2016
I thing discouraging acts of mass aborting is a legitimate object for the daily quota system.  If you don't want (so much)...
31st December 2016
Maybe "spin-waiting" is what is going on.  It should not be.  I occasionally see an installer that hogs a whole CPU core to...
31st December 2016
n12365 wrote:My times are significantly different from the times you are getting.  I am using the median run time over the...
30th December 2016
I've been getting a higher rate of computation error failures in my fleet on the FGRBP1 work than for the last year running...
30th December 2016