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Mike Hewson wrote:Go Searcher & Go Quest have just left Port Canaveral. Does this imply a downrange barge retrieval...
7th September 2017
archae86 commented on Unsent?
For some types of work, Einstein is able to make many work units from just one set of (large) file downloads.  So it makes...
4th September 2017
archae86 commented on GPU don´t work
Johannes_35 wrote:I have just installed the latest NVIDIA driver directly from NVIDIA. But the GTX 1080 is still not...
27th August 2017
SpaceX has done it!  The real mark of success is when the formerly improbable becomes so routinely expected as to go...
25th August 2017
archae86 commented on VIRGO
You can read a New Scientist article on the detection rumors.
24th August 2017