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I've run about 40 of the current v0.05 MeerKAT tasks on three hosts, all running Windows on three different AMD Navi-class...
23rd August 2022
Of eight MeerKAT v0.05 tasks run on my Windows host with an AMD GPU, only one had an error while computing.   Only one...
23rd August 2022
Tom M wrote:If a capacitor ejects itself from the motherboard could this be the first step in electronic propulsion?...
23rd August 2022
I just tried to get MeerKAT for a machine which had come out of daily room-heating shutdown without success.  On looking...
22nd August 2022
My second task of 0.05 Binary Radio Pulsar Search (MeerKAT) (BRP7-opencl-ati) ended in computation error after seemingly...
22nd August 2022